BIOC 3560- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 35 pages long!)

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Amphipathic (hydrophilic and hydrophobic); form barrier inside and outside of cell. Phospholipids: polar (cid:862)head(cid:863) group joi(cid:374)ed (cid:271)(cid:455) phosphodiester link and with fatty acyl group, phosphoglycerides (glycerophospholipids) 2 fatty acids (nonpolar) in ester link. Head group derived from alcohol: sphingolipids. Head group = choline (sphingomyelin: glycolipids (glucose) 1 fatty acid in amide link: cholesterol. Major component of membranes and (cid:272)ar(cid:271)oh(cid:455)drate (cid:894)=gl(cid:455)(cid:272)o(cid:895) (cid:862)head(cid:863) group keeps them intact. Major glycerolipids found in the membrane are phosphatidic acid, phosphatidylethanolamine, and phosphatidylcholine. Both have positive choline, negative phosphate and nonpolar acyl groups. Glycosphingolipids are part of the abo blood type system. Chemical properties of lipids in membranes: monolayers at air-water interface formed by many types of lipids. Air is hydrophobic so interacts with acyl chains: mi(cid:272)elles are deterge(cid:374)ts a(cid:374)d lipids with o(cid:374)e a(cid:272)(cid:455)l (cid:862)tail(cid:863) Different membrane types have different lipids compositions (i. e. different membranes have different functions) Cholesterol is major component of plasma membrane. Mi(cid:374)or lipids do(cid:374)"t (cid:373)ea(cid:374) the(cid:455) are u(cid:374)i(cid:373)porta(cid:374)t.