BIOM 3200 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Adenylyl Cyclase, Corpus Luteum, Cell Surface Receptor

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For example, igf 1 ____ sensitivity of tissues to insulin, and gh ____ plasma glucose concentration. increases, decreases. 2. increases, increases: decreases, increases, decreases, decreases, decreases, does not change function. Gh liver glucose release increases plasma glucose concentration increases sensitivity of tissue to insulin decreases lipolysis in adipocytes increases muscle amino acid uptake and protein synthesis increases. Igf 1 decreases decreases increases decreases increases: in the section about parathyroids, we discussed hat decreasing blood ca2+ levels can lead to, decreased parathyroid hormone secretion, decreased reabsorption of ca2+ from the kidneys. 3. capsule reabsorption occurs after the ltrate leaves the bowman"s capsule reabsorption is the movement of substances from the nephron tubules back into the blood: both 1 and 2, all of the above formation of urine: overview. 2. response systems: positive feedback, an integrating center the endocrine system. Describe in one sentence what the problem is for marine mammals, and in one sentence what two adaptations are.