ENVS 3040 Study Guide - Final Guide: Olfactory Receptor Neuron, Pheromone, Psychotomimetic

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Natural chemicals in the environment final notes. Original functions of the chemicals may or may not be eventually lost. Pheromones evolve from compounds originally having other uses or significance. Any pheromone signal that overlaps the receiver"s pre-existing sensory sensitivies is likely to be selected over others. Pheromones effectively have the role od badges of status (maintaining the advertised status) Pheromones are secreted by secretory glands that are species-specific. Usually, pheromones are collected by wiping potential glands or collecting whole scent glands. Entrainment methods collect and concentrate the pheromones released into the air or water around an animal. Once collected, separation of the components by exploiting their chemical on physical characteristics to find the active components. Each of the possible isomers can be important biologically as in each case the shape of the molecule is different and it may stimulate a different range of olfactory receptors.