FRHD 3400 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Narrative Therapy, Family Therapy

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Everyone is made up of these different dimensions of experience. Your spontaneous way of working with others to help them achieve their goal. How you naturally communicate with friends and family to help them through everyday life. You bring this natural way into counselling. You want to be authentic but always need to be able to adapt to new ways. Learn new ways of being: most successful therapists. Our goal is to expand your possibilities for responding to people in need you can take any response, and adapt according to the client with you. Microskills approach: define the skill, central features and purpose, observe the skill in action, learn the skill and its implications, practice the skill in role play, plan for generalization. Word of caution listen first, solve problems later: cant presume that you know what they are going through or that you understand, it is important to listen first.