NUTR 2150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pasteurization, Gallstone, Eaves

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Lecture 2+3: distinguish between the terms: food, nutrient, and nutraceutical. Food nutrients and other components (psychological, social, cultural, economic and technological factors governing food choice) Nutrient a substance that provides nourishments essential for growth and the maintenance of life. Macro-nutrient molecules: carbohydrates (sugars, starches, fibers, glucose), lipids (fats and oils), proteins (chains of amino acids) Micro-nutrient molecules: vitamins (13 essential), minerals (17+ essential) Hunger is the need for food, it is: A physical reaction that includes chemical changes in your body related to a naturally low level of glucose in your blood several hours after eating. An instinctive, protective mechanism that makes sure that your body gets the fuel it requires to function reasonably well. Appetite is the desire for food, it is: A sensory or psychological reaction (ie. looks good, smells good) that stimulates an involuntary physiological response (salivation, stomach contractions) Satiety is a measure of how full you feel.