NUTR 3210 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Kjeldahl Method, Gas Chromatography, Amylopectin

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17 Dec 2014

Document Summary

A nutrient can be considered essential if when you remove it from the diet there is an improvement in some aspect of health. Provided no permanent damage has occurred, the reintroduction of an essential nutrient will alleviate the symptoms associated with a deficiency. An essential nutrient can be produced endogenously at a level sufficient to meet the needs of an animal or human. A tolerable upper limit has been defined for all essential nutrients. During the lecture on proximate analysis, you may have asked yourself why do i have to learn about food composition analyses. Knowing the composition of a particular food product helps to confirm food authenticity and prevent economic fraud. Governments demand this information from the food industry in order to maintain the quality and safety of foods. To ensure that the composition of a food has not changed during the manufacturing process.