POLS 2300 Study Guide - Final Guide: Distinct Society, Clear Grits, Language Proficiency

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Multicultural policies: how has canadian diversity shifted, race. Quebec act of 1774 represented the first official confirmation of the status and rights of a particular segment of the pop. This image of canada as a partnership albeit an unequal one of the two. European charter groups survived well into the 20th century. It was not until the 1960s and more specifically, the work of the royal. Commission on bilingualism and biculturalism (b&b commission) that the 2 nations image of canada experienced any serious competition. What was demanded was the official recognition of canada as a multicultural society, not a bicultural one (achieved in 1971 passage of multiculturalism act and the creation of a new federal ministry if state for multiculturalism. Results was a steady expansion of human rights legislation, entrenchment of human rights legislation and institutionalization of human rights commissions. Under 95 % of all immigrants to canada before 1961 were born in europe or the.