PSYC 2650 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Tahiti, Long-Term Memory, Cognitive Psychology

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Chapter 1 psych: titchener and wundt- introspection can only be done by highly trained individuals, cognitive psychology is concerned with what we know, remember and think; the study of. Introspection uses past experience to decide how people react to a stimulus is heavily influenced by a past experience. Chapter 2: centre surround cell the decrease is due to the stimulation in the surround are, a behaviour is sufficient if it causes a behaviour when stimulated and would prevent a behaviour if disabled. Lesions in the parietal lobe shows that detection of features is separate from the association of those features. Upside down house memory is a problem because we analyze the feature: masking stops the subjects from continuing to process the stimulus after it disappears. In a cocktail party you would be unable to determine whether the person behind you is talking foolishly or intelligently.