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18 Jan 2013

Document Summary

Chapter 1 the context and consequences of theory. We have become so desensitized to the violence in our communities. National crime victimization surveys ask citizens if they have been victimized: residents above 12 years old experience 21. 3 million crimes in 2008, 1/5 were violent crimes. Fbi statistics don"t include drug offences: mainly measure street crime. Self report surveys indicated that most people have engaged in some degree of illegality. Non street violence is often not report: domestic violence. White collar crimes: crimes committed by professional people in the course of their occupations. Us has most crimes: 10 cities accounted for of all the national homicides theory in social context. Many people say crime is caused by factors such as unemployment, hard family life, and lenient courts this comes form implicit understanding: social experiences shape the way in which people com to think about crimes.