PHIL 227 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Thought Experiment, False Consciousness, Pejorative

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10 Feb 2016

Document Summary

Definitions: human/person: a human is a term to describe the biological mammal-species of the homo sapien descent and thereof. A person is a term to refer to the moral consciousness of a human species-kind. A person has consciousness awareness of themselves and being able to pursue and express awareness with other persons: negative rights/positive rights: negative right; others, including the state, have an obligation to not interfere with a woman"s choice. It prevents individuals from combining their efforts and taking action to have a better life than they currently have. Example) how women who put on make up are just feeding into society and how society wants them to act: pejorative: a word or grammatical term that is used to describe someone in a low derogatory opinion. Perjoratives tend to try to be disrespectful or cause harm with the negative connotations they posses: descriptive grammarian/prescriptive grammarian: Usually an objective, non-judgmental description of words and terms in a language.