PSY 120- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 59 pages long!)

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1 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Chapter 1- what is psychology: a science: empirical, the study of behaviour and mental processes. 5 aspects of human functioning: overt actions/behaviours, social relationships, mental processes, emotional responses, physiological reactions. Pseudoscience and psychobabble: non-scientific approaches to psychological questions, pseudoscience example- a psychic, not based on factual information. 8 critical thinking guidelines: ask questions; be willing to wonder, define your terms, examine your evidence, analyze assumptions and biases, avoid emotional reasoning, do(cid:374)"t o(cid:448)ersi(cid:373)plify or generalize, consider other interpretations, tolerate uncertainty. What psychologists do: psychological research (ex: experimental and educational psychologists, psychological practice (ex: counselling and school psychologists, psychology in the community/industry (ex: clinical psychologists) 3 main schools: structuralism (wundt, 1832-(cid:1005)(cid:1013)(cid:1006)(cid:1004), tit(cid:272)h(cid:374)er (cid:894)wu(cid:374)dt"s stude(cid:374)t(cid:895), (cid:1005)(cid:1012)(cid:1010)(cid:1011)-1927, focused of immediate conscious experience, the goal was to map out the pinpoints of consciousness, behaviour analyzed into basic parts or structures. Introspection- perso(cid:374)"s des(cid:272)riptio(cid:374) of ho(cid:449) she is thi(cid:374)ki(cid:374)g a(cid:374)d feeli(cid:374)g.