BIOL240 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: October Crisis, Quebec Nationalism, Quiet Revolution

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1914 1917 conscription crisis, french did not want to go to ww1. 1939 1945 ww2, french did not want to go to ww2 but forced by conscription. 30"s the great depression, quebec starts the union national (duplessi) 1945 1960"s post war, cold war. Quiet revolution, roman catholic church kicked out of education system. French tried to kick english out of the economy. 1980 referendum, no separation vote, quebec lang. laws, french only. 1995 present stephen harper calls it a nation within a nation. Marshall plan plan made by the allied countries to help rebuild war destroyed countries to prevent them from going communist. Colombo plan essentially the same thing as marshall plan. Gatt the protection of tariffs after ww1. 1940"s 2 million immigrants came to canada and they bought money with them, there was a lot of economic investment.