ECE356 Study Guide - Final Guide: Relational Algebra, Database Design, Relational Calculus

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A restaurant would like to construct a database of their food and beverage menu. Each dish has a name, price, weight, and category (e. g. , appetizer, entr e, dessert). Each beverage has a name, price, weight, and temperature (e. g. , hot or cold). Some dish-beverage pairs are compatible with each other, while other pairs are not. A dish may be compatible with more than one beverage, and a beverage may be compatible with more than one dish. Each dish must be compatible with at least one beverage. A beverage need not be compatible with any dish. Use an entity-relationship diagram to depict the above scenario. Your diagram should follow the notational conventions described in the lecture notes or the course textbook. Include all relevant entities and relationships, cardinality constraints, and participation constraints. Indicate primary keys of entities by underlining them. (you do not need to translate your diagram into tables. ) An animal shelter uses the following relational schema to model adoption data: