HIST191 Study Guide - Final Guide: Warsaw Pact, Mutual Assured Destruction, Cold War Ii

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Russia at the beginning of the 20th century: a country with a backward economy and archaic political system: no parliament, nicholas ii (1894-1917) was a conservative moron", russian autocracy. Political state: no constitution: peasants made up 80% of the population; victims of unequal land distribution, factory workers: no labour legislation; trade unions and strikes were outlawed; 12 hour workday. Industrialization (1890-1914): the highest rate in the world: most workers are former peasants, unskilled and poorly paid, highly receptive to extremist propaganda. 180 different ethnic groups: privilege was given to slavic groups, russian was the only official language. Intelligentsia: poor opportunity for upward social mobility, political radicalism, revolutions: small group of intellectuals, opposition of aristocracy liberals and socialists. Program of the opposition: termination of the aristocracy, power should pass to a parliament elected by a universal and equal vote, basic civil liberties. 8 hour work day: alienation of crown & landlord"s lands and their distribution among peasants.