KIN 155 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential, Sliding Filament Theory, Axon Hillock

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Efferent neuron: motor neuron (movement + muscle) bottom-up (data driven) input from neurons, output to muscle cells. Afferent neuron: sensory neurons, bringing info into cns top-down (contextual information) input from special endings that sense stimuli, output to neurons. Interneuron: non insulated (grey matter), generates action, communicates with each other (most of the cell) input from neurons, output to neurons. Axon hillock: accumulates impulse/energy to generate action potential (ap) Axon terminals: (output, presynaptic endings) sends off chemical messaging. Presynaptic membrane: flow of chemical information starts here (axon terminals) Postsynaptic membrane: flow of chemical information ends here (dendrites: receptor types, ionotropic: protein ion channels, metabotropic: trigger 2nd messenger. Resting membrane potential: inside of the cell is negative compared to the outside [ion] baseline or steady state of membrane potential, approx. Depolarization: more positive (moves in a positive direction) Hyperpolarization: more negative (moves in a negative direction) Epsp: excitatory post-synaptic potential leads to depolarization of membrane and increases permeability to sodium.