KIN346 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Thiamine Pyrophosphate, Casimir Funk, Pyruvate Carboxylase

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Kin346 protein + vitamins vitamins: james lind british physician. Vitamin b1: part of the co-enzyme tpp (thiamin pyrophosphate, works with pdh (pyruvate dehydrogenase) Turns pyruvate (3c) into acetyl coa (2c) which will then enter krebs cycle. Vitamin b3: niacin nicotinic acid and nicotinamide precursor of nad and. Nadp: can be synthesized from tryptophan (eaa, antioxidant, lipid/cholesterol synthesis, deficiency = pellagra (4d"s: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia, death, sources: animal products (eggs, milk, meat, poultry, fish), and whole grains. 3: toxicity: niacin flush supplement from 3-4x rda, nicotinic acid forms, blood vessel dilation, painful tingling sensation, pharmological doses high doses to treat ldl cholesterol (monitored for side effects) Fat burns in a flame of carbohydrates . Pantothenic acid: part of coenzyme a makes acetyl coa, synthesis of lipids, neurotransmitters, hormones, hemoglobin, deficiency fatigue, neurological symptoms, food sources: beef, poultry, whole grains, potatoes, tomatoes, broccoli.