PSYCH101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sleep Spindle, Alpha Wave, Slow-Wave Sleep

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PSYCH101 Full Course Notes
PSYCH101 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

The typical age of organism; important risks to the developing organism; any major developmental milestones. The prenatal period is the time of conception to birth. The second stage is the embryonic stage which is when the organism is two weeks to two months old. Here the organs begin to develop, such as the heart and nervous system, and risk of miscarriage and birth defect is high. The third stage is the fetal stage, and this is the time period between 2 months to birth. This is the longest stage, where bones and muscles begin to form and therefore movement of the organism begins. Organs also begin to develop, including sex organs. There is a rapid expansion of brain tissue and sleeping and waking cycle and the senses become fine-tuned. Identify and briefly describe the research paradigm used by mary. Ainsworth- to investigate attachment and the three attachment styles she proposed to classify infants.