PSYCH101 Study Guide - Final Guide: Classical Conditioning, Latent Inhibition, Latent Learning

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PSYCH101 Full Course Notes
PSYCH101 Full Course Notes
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Pavlov"s dogs: classical conditioning of salivation: classical conditioning: learning that occurs when a neutral stimulus elicits a response that was originally caused by another stimulus. The cr is the nausea and: people are biologically prepared to associate food (vs. sound) with illness, strange because the taste (cs) and illness (us) might happen hours apart, taste aversions are learned very quickly. One cs-us pairing is enough: more likely for unfamiliar flavours, latent inhibition: frequent experience with a stimulus before it"s paired with a us makes it less likely that conditioning will occur after a single episode of illness. Psych 101: evaluative conditioning: occurs through advertisements; evaluative means the cr, which is a positive. Module 4: primary reinforcers: reinforcing stimuli that satisfy basic motivational needs, secondary: reinforcing stimuli that acquire their value through learning (association) Commonality between classical & operant: if we were mistaken about what caused the reinforcement to occur , reinforcement is systematic, predictable.