PSYCH101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Baddeley'S Model Of Working Memory, Long-Term Memory, Sketchpad

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PSYCH101 Full Course Notes
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Working memory is a system of short-term memory that involves three different components of memory each storing small amounts of data for a short period of time. The stimuli that the brain recognizes are taken in and understood in different components as different forms. Once the information is recognized in these components, the central executive acts as the control center to coordinate the components and the information stored in them. In baddeley"s model of working memory, the three components illustrated are the phonological loop, the visuospatial sketchpad, and the episodic buffer. The phonological loop is the storage component that stores information as sounds or an auditory code. Since this component is dependant on rehearsal to store the sounds, it can store as many syllables that can be repeated to oneself in about two seconds. Furthermore, the auditory information can be held in the component, or remembered, for an average of 15 seconds.