PSYCH211 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Visual System, Thalamus, Visual Cortex

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Brain is almost adult-sized increases only 10% Similar to ec prefrontal and parietal development: subtask ability to follow instructions. Anisotropy: measures movement of water particles in the brain (parallel to white matter tracts and the thicker the white matter tracts, the easier the water moves) Executing tasks with complex cognitive functions: executive functions, working memory, inhibition, attention. Synaptic proliferation and pruning, as well as ongoing myelination. Frontal cortical thinning: to improved ability to retain and retrieve verbal and spatial information: basal ganglia & related pathways. Corpus callosum: callosal fibers are important for motor and sensory integration, attention, memory, and general cognitive functioning, changes associated with connections to motor, sensory, and auditory cortices, increases likely related to the improved motor skills during development. Basal ganglia & thalamus: basal ganglia and thalamus pathways have regulatory influence on the cortex, emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and motor functions.