BIOL 112 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Ribose, Cholesterol, Amphiphile

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BIOL 112 Full Course Notes
BIOL 112 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Sect 1. 3 the cell: the cell is the simplest entity that can exist as an independent unit of life, three domains: bacteria, eukarya and archaea, all cells contain a stable blueprint of information (dna/ rna). This allows them to reproduce, because (cid:1688)blueprint(cid:1689) can be stably replicated accurately and rapidly (double-stranded helical structure, serves as templates for new strand. Note: mutations can occur): remember: central dogma of molecular biology: dna (note arrangement of molecular subunits. Gene: dna sequence which codes for specific protein) > transcription > rna > translation > Protein: they have a discrete boundary that separates the interior of the cell from the external environment, allows for mediated dynamic interplay between cell and environment. General structure: central carbon atom ( carbon) covalently linked to amino group (-nh2), carboxyl group (-cooh), hydrogen and an r group (but in environment of cell, becomes ionized)