ENGL 110 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dramatic Monologue, Sensation Novel, Institute For Operations Research And The Management Sciences

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29 May 2017

Document Summary

Here are about 19 pages of notes for you for this class! He"s totally awesome, but he goes through a lot of material per class, so try not to miss any classes! Take notes on every text you cover, even if it"s just one poem or short story-they will be covered on the final, and may be a part of a question for the essays. He has a bold personality, but he"s very kind when you talk to him one-on-one, so don"t hesitate! You"re not allowed to take your books with you to write in class essays, so make sure to review your notes beforehand. Take note of important quotes-you"ll know which ones they are if he repeats them more than once or twice. The tragedy of othello thought to be a play about racism (othello was black) Scene 1: opens in the city of venice. Iago is manipulating rodrigo to target othello, who is a suitor of desdemona.