POLI 100 Final: POLI 100 final prep

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13 Dec 2017

Document Summary

In her essay our revolution is unique, betty friedan reflected on the difficulties that women often experience when they try to juggle marriage and careers. Liberal feminism: this idea proposes that men and women should be equal in political and legal reforms. This interaction between the two seces is the second stage, or second wave, at which women will obtain equality in the highly gendered society. I don"t accept for most women the necessity of making a choice that no man has to make. Betty friedan emphasizes that merely getting rid of the situation that create inequalities for women against men would be insufficient. This would still leave women at a less significant position in the society. For example, women are discriminated against in the workforce because they have the option of having a child which would require them a certain period of time for maternity leave.