POLI 100 Midterm: Poli 100 Mind Map (Part 1)

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24 Oct 2015

Document Summary

Wolf attacks, non-state terrorist groups, cyber terrorism, global warming, proliferation of arms. Definition: absence of violence, war, threats to state/humsn. Post-wwii international relations: state to state relations (17th century) The state (created by people & protect citizens" rights) Laws of nature: self- preservation and liberty & property. Four basic rights: life, liberty, property, right to execute law of nature (punish for violating rights) Un convention of the rights of the child (19889) Terrorism: multilateral/local intelligence gathering on crimes & address disaffected youth. 2 types of mps: 1 represents constituency & 1 based on popular vote. Liberal: power checked by citizens" rights & constitution (soft power is good & hard power is bad) Antono gramsci: hegemony (cultural power that convinces capitalism works) Definition: supreme power of lawmaking within a territory. Harm principle: government can intervene if there"s harm against another. Edmund burke: reflections on the revolution in france (1790)