CRIM 230 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Willful Blindness, Mens Rea, Transferred Intent

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Accused choose to do something wrong, the choice is freely made, and the accused should"ve known what they were doing was wrong. Offences with special levels of mens rea. Differences between specific and general intent offences. Difference between recklessness and willful blindness (recklessness - accused knows there"s risk in their conduct but does it anyways, willful blindness- accused doesn"t know there"s a risk but decides not to look into the risk) Objective mens rea offences (marked departure from the norm) (basis of criminal negligence) Unlawful act of manslaughter (holding people criminally responsible in the objective sense for an unlawful act that causes the death, was unlawful act, inherently dangerous, reasonable person could"ve foreseen danger and avoided it) Any reasonable person could fore see the behaviour (marked departure) True crimes require a level of mens rea (subjective or objective) , strict liability offences do not require mens rea but can use due diligence (took reasonable precautions ),