SCMA 1290 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Copernican Revolution, Ellipse, Move

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22 Jan 2020

Document Summary

Rene descartes developed mechanical philosophy in which the physical world consists simply of inner particles of matter interacting and colliding with one another. Newton was able to show that kelplers and galileo"s laws were logically consequences of his laws of motion and gravitation. Einstein discovered relativity theory which suggested that newton"s theory did not apply to massive objects or objects moving at high velocities. Human genome projects; indication of how far molecular biology has come. Cognitive science thinks the human mind somewhat resembles a computer. A solar nebula is a large cloud of gas and dust in space. A solar nebula was the beginning of our solar system. Gas a dust gathered together in the outer parts of the disk to form planetesimals (asteroid like objects). In a geocentric system, earth is at the center of revolving planets and stars. This sun centered model is called a heliocentric system. Earth and other planets revolve around the sun.