BUSI 3705U Study Guide - Final Guide: Young Fathers, False Imprisonment, Malicious Falsehood

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Most common occurrence that gives rise to a tort acion in relaion to the commercial use of property: an occupier of a property harms others. Legal term for the group of paries recognized as having the ability to exercise some degree of control over land/buildings on that land: occupier. Thick rope hanging from building causing damages: occupiers" liability. Provincial jurisdicion has abolished occupiers" liability altogether as a specialized category in law: Most inluenced by the categorizaion of visitors according to disincive classiicaions: determining the liability of the occupier. Goal to improve employee awareness of legal risks that can arise under occupiers" liability stresses this form of liability: that each class of visitor is owed a diferent standard of care. Valid criicism of current state of law with respect to occupiers" liability: the blurring of classes and resuling duies owed to each is problemaic.