HLSC 3020U Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Social Cognitive Theory, Albert Bandura, Motivation

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18 Feb 2020

Document Summary

Lecture 2 & 3: theories and models of exercise & health behaviour. Models and theories of behaviour: model: a visual representation of a phenomenon or behaviour. Social cognitive approaches: self-efficacy theory, theory of planned behaviour, self-determination theory. Forerunners to the social cognitive approach: motivation: the degree of determination, drive and desire with which an individual approach (or avoids) a behaviour, motivation is divided into two types: Intrinsic: motivations that emanates from within: extrinsic: motivation driven by a force outside the individual. Tangible reinforcers: exercise behaviour is influenced by both, human cognition (e. g. , expectations, intentions, beliefs, attitudes, external stimuli (e. g. , social pressures, experiences) Self-efficacy theory definitions: past performance, degree of success perceived by an individual who has previously engage in similar activities, vicarious experiences, modeling or observing similar others. Can be useful when the individual has no prior experience on which to base judgments of capability.