HLSC 4808U Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Synesthesia, Motivational Interviewing, Refrigerator Mother Theory

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5 Aug 2020

Document Summary

Consciousness is seen as connected to a supernatural force. This higher force enables us to become virtuous beings. If we are not seen as good we will suffer with some sort of contamination. Treatment is based on procedures and medications. Includes off-label medications that may not get down to the root cause of a disorder. Does not take into account other secondary factors that may play a part in someone developing mental illness. If a person cannot adapt, could result in dysfunction. Self-actualization certain thoughts may not be logical but they are present and depend on how someone deals with them. The person of a mental illness is not a victim of society, however social structures do play a part in restricting behaviours. Some pressure for people to conform to society. Biomedical model misses out on humanistic nature. Perfect balance in the middle optimal mental health. The three levels are argued to be epiphenomenal mental events are caused.