SSCI 2900U Midterm: Research Methods_Midterm review

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If something happens to you or you personally observe it, you accept it as true. Seeing is believing : limits to personal experience (4, overgeneralization. If i get robbed in scarborough, everyone in scarborough is dangerous: selective observation. If i get robbed in scarborough, i only see shady people and feel unsafe: premature closure, people think that they know it all and won"t entertain any more information on the topic. Following steps in the research process, comes to scientific explanations about the social world: not necessarily unflawed though! (andrew wakefield is prime example) 3: doctors say vaccines are safe and my doctor agrees too, authority, vaccines have been around since the 18th century and have eradicated many diseases, tradition. I heard a celebrity say vaccines are dangerous and some other media outlets are saying that too maybe they are unsafe: media myth, my mother got me vaccinated and my siblings so they must be safe.