[SOCI 1000U] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 78 pages long Study Guide!

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Sociology is the systematic and scientific study of human behaviour, social groups, and society. Who we are is affected by the groups we belong to. So(cid:272)iolog(cid:455) e(cid:373)phasis upo(cid:374) su(cid:271)ej(cid:272)t"s lo(cid:272)atio(cid:374) i(cid:374) so(cid:272)ial o(cid:396)de(cid:396), thei(cid:396) so(cid:272)ialized (cid:396)oles, a(cid:374)d historical social context. Ps(cid:455)(cid:272)holog(cid:455) e(cid:373)phasis upo(cid:374) su(cid:271)je(cid:272)t"s (cid:373)e(cid:374)tal p(cid:396)o(cid:272)esses, dispositio(cid:374)s, e(cid:454)pe(cid:396)ie(cid:374)(cid:272)es, a(cid:374)d immediate social situation. Term coined by french social thinker auguste comte in 1838. The systematic study of human behaviour in social context. Sociologists attempt to answer questions we have about the social world. The quality of mind that enables one to see the connection between personal troubles and social structures and forces (c. wright mills, 1959) The sociological imagination is a recent addition to the human repertoire. In ancient and medieval times the thinking about society was not sociological, instead people: believed that society was controlled by god and nature, relied on speculation rather than evidence. Social structure: relatively stable patterns of social relations.