ANT 1101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Nuclear Family, Extended Family, Social Group

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14 Jul 2014

Document Summary

Family: social group of people related by ties of marriage (conjugal) and/or blood (consanguineal) Household: residential unit where economic production, consumption, inheritance, child rearing and shelter are organized. Women contribute less directly to subsistence than men. Average landholding 2 acres; dadi"s family 30 acres. Culture institution which is backed by social and legal forces. Control sexual access to limit conflict and spread disease. Gay marriage in canada is legally sanctioned but not socially welcomed. Marriage process: find potential spouse/ spouses, secure marriage, maintain marriage. Pressure on land (both have access to wife, share workload) Levirate- widow marries brother of dead husband to preserve household and land. Do not end in divorce, do not want to shame family. Parallel cousin: child of mother"s sister, father"s brother. Cross cousin: child of mother"s brother, father"s sister. Provides status and access to male husband"s property. Provides good marriage status to wife- legitimacy for children. Bride price (exchange of wealth from groom to bride)