BCH 3120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Amylase, Gsk-3, Maltase

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This is a list of objectives to guide your studying, especially to help you with what you need to memorize about the material seen in class. However, learning everything by heart is not sufficient, you need to understand the physics, cell biology and physiology underlining all these metabolic pathways and how they all integrate into one another. You need to understand how the metabolic flux is controlled at the molecular, cellular, organ and organism levels according to cellular needs, cellular function and available energy. The sum all all chemical transformations, involving synthesis and breakdown, inside a cell or organism through enzyme catalyzed reactions. Explain the concepts of catabolism and anabolism catabolism is degradation of molecules into smaller products to create energy while anabolism is the building of molecules and requires input of energy. Describe what is a dynamic steady state our cells are open systems that constantly make new energy to maintain a constant state.