ENG 1100 Study Guide - Final Guide: Literal And Figurative Language, Deductive Reasoning, Connotation

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5 Dec 2016

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You should believe me because of who i am. Note: appeals to ethos are effective supplements to not a replacement. In general : establish a confident tone. For a writer, a confident tone can be achieved through strategies such as the following: establishing one"s credentials, establishing a relationship with the audience, using diction and sentence structure effectively. Remember that connotative language, figurative language, and specific sentence structures have particular effects. For a speaker, in addition to the above, a confident tone can be created through paraverbal elements such as tone of voice, pace, volume, facial expression body language even clothing, props: demonstrate fairness to your. You should believe me because i can prove my argument with carefully reasoned arguments supported by facts. Deductive logic (applying a generalization a hypothesis, theory, law, or other generalization known or believed to be true to one or more specific situations) Inductive logic (drawing a generalization or reasoning from specific, individual situations)