MAT 1341 Study Guide - Final Guide: Free Variables And Bound Variables, Triangulum Galaxy, Elementary Matrix

129 views12 pages
24 Oct 2018

Document Summary

Please read these instructions carefully: read each question carefully, and answer all questions in the space provided after each question. Use the back of pages if necessary, but be sure to indicate to the marker that you have done so. There is an extra page at the end of the exam: questions 1 6 are short answer questions, and no part marks will be given. You must show all the details for questions 7 14, and argue logically. Write legibly: where it is possible to check your work, do so! Read each question carefully you will save yourself time and unnecessary grief later on: this is a closed book exam, and no notes of any kind are allowed. The use of calculators, cell phones, pagers or any text storage or communication device is not permitted: do not detach the pages of the exam.