MAT 2377 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Test Statistic, Multivariate Random Variable, Statistical Hypothesis Testing

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8-1 de nitions: con dence interval, con dence level, upper con dence limit and lower con dence limit, precision of the estimate. 8-2 ci for when 2 is known. , xn from a population with mean and variance 2. Ci for at a 100 (1 )% con dence level: x z /2 n. We can obtain a 100(1 )% lower con dence bound for as follows. X z n or a 100(1 )% upper con dence bound for is. The required sample size n such that x is less. |x | e, with than e units from , i. e. with probability 1 is n (cid:16)z /2 (cid:17)2. 8-3 ci for when 2 is unknown. , xn from a normal population with mean and variance. Ci for at a 100 (1 )% level of con dence: x t /2,n 1 s n where s is the sample standard deviation.