PHI 2396 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis, Prenatal Diagnosis, Genetic Testing

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Chapter 9 study questions: implications of prenatal diagnosis for the human right to life, leon r. kass. In this article kass explores the morality of aborting fetuses known through genetic testing to be defective. He condemns the practice, arguing that it could lead us to take a less sympathetic view toward people who are genetic abnormals and to embrace the insidious principle that. He says that all human beings possess equally and independent of merit certain fundamental rights one of which is the right to live. He says that some will pass through undetected so it is not likely that our principle with respect to these people will change from trying harder to accepting the second best. It a view that only a selective bunch can be born (a view that the nazis had) and thus discrimination will occur: genetics and reproductive risk: can having children be immoral?, laura m. purdy.