PHI 2396 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Westron, Alternative Medicine, World Health Organization

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The second midterm for philosophy 2396c will take place in our class on friday, march 15. On the midterm you will be given 7 of the questions listed below, and you will have to answer any five of them. Each of your answers should be approximately to 1 page, single- spaced, (about 200 words) in length, although some of your answers may be a little longer, others a little shorter, depending on the question you are answering. Who definition is as a definition of health: briefly describe the anti-vaccination movement, also referred to as vaccine hesitancy , or vaccine refusal . Support your view by argument: in our reading 56, harriett hall responds critically to a long list of arguments for alternative medicine and against conventional, mainstream, medicine. Choose three of the more interesting of these arguments and describe them as clearly as you can.