PSY 3101 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Near-Death Experience, Clinical Death, Temporal Lobe

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Why study: aftermath of unresolved death (past, present, vocational reasons (ex. Going into nursing: curiosity, preparation for life. Goals: enrich personal lives, inform and guide in relationships with society, prepare for public and professional roles. Reasons for new patterns: industrialization (big influx of people, public health measures, preventative healthcare (vaccinations, modern cure-oriented medicine ( cure at all costs , nature of contemporary families. Beliefs: human personality exists after death, a response to stress of facing death. Description: voice says one is going to die, acute & heightened senses, separation from & looking down at body, sense of calm. Description: tunnel with light, flashbacks/life review, loved one"s feelings, realization of return, pain of return, conversion. Core elements: hearing news of one"s death, body departure, significant others, return to body. Alternate theories of n. d. e: temporal lobe paroxysm, cerebral anoxia no oxygen, endorphin release, massive cortical disinhibition (random activity, drugs, sensory deprivation, archetypes carl young (culturally determined hallucinations)