SCS 2150 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Structured Interview, Internal Validity

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Theory: an explanation of observed regularities or patterns. To asses the adequacy of a particular social theory. Specific theories: limited in scope and can be tested directly. Grand theories: abstract and cannot be tested directly, ex. Deductive approach: researcher begins with a theory or explanation for something, then goes out into the world to test it. Typically relies on quantitative research, employing research hypothesis. Inductive approach: researcher begins by gathering or examining data, then tries to derive a theory or explanation from the data. Typically relies on qualitative research, using research questions. Research hypothesis: testable expectation about empirical reality that follows from a more general proposition (the theory) Research question: states the purpose of the study in the form of a question f. Methodology: methods to understand the world better, practice. Positivism: a paradigm/grand theory used in economics a position that holds the goal of knowledge is simply to describe the phenomena that we experience.