ANT102H5 : What is Anthropology
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creativity, adaptability, and flexibility are basic human attributes. human diversity is the subject of anthropology. anthropology is the study of human species and immediate ancestors: it is holistic it means the study of the whole human condition. past, present, and future; biology, society, language and culture looking things at the big picture: is the exploration of human diversity in time and space. processes which organisms cope with environmental forces and stresses. forces and stresses could be topography, climate, and terrain: ex: people who survive in mountains (lack of o2) can adapt culturally or biologically: culturally: wear o2 masks, biologically: hyperventilation, larger lungs (genetic), more efficient respiratory system (long term) we used to do foraging but now we do food production. General anthropology four main subfields: sociocultural/ cultural, archeological, biological, and linguistic cultural changes in social life and customs www. notesolution. com.