BIO153H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Amniote, Neural Crest, Diapsid

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26 May 2016

Document Summary

Bio153 final exam review winter 2015 chapter 34. Amniote: member of a clade of tetrapods named for a key derived character, the amniotic egg, which contains specialized membranes, including the fluid-filled amnion, that protect the embryo. Amniotes include mammals as well as birds and other reptiles. Cloaca: a common opening for the digestive, urinary, and reproductive tracts found in many nonmammalian vertebrates but in few mammals. Diapsid: member of an amniote clade distinguished by a pair of holes on each side of the skull. Dinosaur: member of an extremely diverse clade of reptiles varying in body shape, size, and habitat. Ectothermic: referring to organisms for which external sources provide most of the heat for temperature regulation. Endothermic: referring to organisms that are warmed by heat generated by their own metabolism. This heat usually maintains a relatively stable body temperature higher than that of the external environment. Gnathostome: member of the vertebrate subgroup possessing jaws.