[CIN101H5] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (24 pages long)

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29 Nov 2016

Document Summary

L. dickson worked with thomas edison designed and built a camera that could capture movement --> screened for paid audience, first camera to record on ----- camera. Edison made the first studio in the world (in chicago) 1893. France: brothers auguste and louis lumiere: made their own movie camera (lighter and smaller) They modified the camera to be a projector to view the movie for audience. December 28, 1895: first time movie was screened on a projector for a paying audience. Type of shots: distance of the camera from main subject (most important thing in the sot) Seven shots alternating between three different types (medium closeup, closeup and extreme closeup: why? (subjective) Duration: how long does the shot last on screen. Why present these things in this way? (interpretation) Does the camera move ( if so, how and in what directions?) Types of shots: (distance of camera from main subject) W. k. l dickson and thomas edison: birth of cinema 1891.