ENV205H5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Sustainable Tourism, Our Common Future, Sustainable Development Goals

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Document Summary

Tourism (conceptual): the sector that encompasses social, cultural and economic aspects from the place you reside to another for more than 24 hours and ultimately returning to the original location. Technical definitions are really specific and statistically oriented, more restricting, identifies trends, different between countries. Conceptual definitions are broader, talk more about concepts and ideas, all definitions by un are conceptual environment (payments, transport, food, etc) International tourism receipts are income generated for economy from visitors" trip. Green economy is an economy that aims for sustainability while not hurting. Sustainable tourism : tourism that meets the needs of present tourists and host regions while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future; 4 sectors: sense of respect for a place. Geotourism is a tourism that focuses on geographical character of a location, Ecotourism is tourism that focuses on well-being of environment and locals. Cultural tourism is a tourism that focuses on heritage while gaining education.