ENV100Y5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Novel Ecosystem, Paradigm Shift, Sustainable Development

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ENV100Y5 Full Course Notes
ENV100Y5 Full Course Notes
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Central case: earth from space, the power of an image. When the first full image of the earth was made public, it astonished everyone who finally realized just how isolated planet earth is and that without these natural resources we have nowhere else to turn to. It"s interdisciplinary, relating humans and the biological world. The scientific method is designed to enable scientists to undertake critical analysis of evidence. Paradigm shift: a revolutionary social change of a world view. Policy/ legal/ government vs. scientific, academic vs. applied, profane secular vs. religious/ sacred, affluence vs. poverty, industrialized vs. developing nations, anthropogenic vs. ecocentric, economy vs. ecology and ecosphere vs. technosphere. Sustainable development is using current resources without compromising future availability of resources.