ENV100Y5 Quiz: QUIZ 2 KEY
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Community ecologist biotic focus/ individual organisms ex. Gewf - ecosytem on scale is determined by question asked: ecosystems viewed in context of surrounding environment. Closed ecosystem: no external inputs (no ecosystem is fully closed) Open ecosystem: inputs from surrounding environment (arrive and leave) Depends on phenomenon being studied/ and question asked gessi temoral. E flow in ecosystems ecosystem is an economy; energy is the currency/ecosystems based on autotrophs - transform energy from photosynthetic into chemical energy. Primary producers: capture e turn it into glucose and do it b/c it needs e for growth, maintenance, and reproduction. Gpp total energy captured form photosynthesis, some energy is lost through respiration, some stored. It can be separated and has boundaries, what can move into and out of. Leaves tree forest mountain range with forest, snow and rivers, or the whole planet. What would happen if we did this change in one thing in the system.