FSC239Y5 Study Guide - Final Guide: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Marion Merrell Dow, Kary Mullis

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5 Aug 2013

Document Summary

Impaired driving: mendel"s particulate hereditary elements are called genes. The various form of a given gene are called alleles. Organisms in which the members of a pair of alleles are different are heterozygous. Those in which the two alleles are alike are homozygous. The observable properties of an organism constitute is phenotype. Direct exam is a hearing to determine the admissibility of evidence, the competency of a witness or juror. Seminal acid phosphate which is water soluble, may be removed by laundering, but may be detected after dry clean. Ans: t (remark: it dissolves in liquid but not vapor) Proper chronological sequence for dna typing in a forensic lab: Extraction quantitation amplification detection analysis (remark: quantitation is to determine the amount of dna for pcr) General acceptance standard first articulated in an influential daubert vs. merrell dow pharmaceuticals (1993) Ans: f (remark: first case = 1923 frye vs us case)