GGR287H5 Final: final exam questions.docx

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5 Oct 2014

Document Summary

Give a broad and more restrictive definition of pulse crops. How did increase potato production historically improved indirectly protein intake in. Broad explanation: annual leguminous crop yielding from one to twelve seeds of variable size, shape and colour within a pod (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and fava beans) Restrictive explanation: crops harvested solely for dried season. Main advantages for quality pulse production climate of saskatchewan. Broad definition of root crops: plant roots used as vegetables carrots, beets, radish/horseradish, turnips and rutabagas. Which environment did potato production historically strive and where does it now. South american heartland in high andes to all elevation zones in temperate regions. Now warm humid tropical asian lowlands during dry season. According to adam smith, single greatest disadvantage to the potato stocks could not be stored or carried over from year to year because the tubers rotted. Who ordered his peasants do as an insurance against cereal crop failure: prussias frederick the.