PSY100Y5 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Preterm Birth, Afterimage, Conscientiousness

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5 Sep 2014
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PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
PSY100Y5 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

Explain the effects of stimulation and lesioning in both the lateral and ventricular hypothalamus. Cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies, sequential studies: list the 3 types of infant-caregiver attachment discussed in the lectures. L6001 m 6-8: describe in order the first 3 levels of maslow"s hierarchy of needs. [3 marks] i) ii) iii) physiological needs hunger, thirst, sex safety needs shelter/housing, money love or belongingness intimacy, family support, friends: explain parental investment theory. Fetal period: from 9 weeks until birth: define the term teratogens and provide an example. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt: define and provide an example for the following defense mechanisms: projection and displacement. [2 marks] i) ii) traits are stable over time traits are stable across situations. L0101 w 2-4: explain parental investment theory. Behavioral expression, e. g. , scream, cry, laugh, make a facial expression, etc : list the three phases of prenatal development and their corresponding time frames.