PSY210H5 : Ch. 11 Study guide
Document Summary
Emotions are useful because they help people adapt to their environments. Disgust keeps people away from things that makes them ill. Basic emotions: universal and consist of subjective feeling, physiological change, and over behavior. Self conscious(complex) emotions such as pride, guilt, embarrassment appear later. By 4-6 months, infant can identify facial expressions associated with diff. emotions. Social referencing: in unfamiliar or ambiguous environment, infants look to parents for cues to interpret situation. During elementary school, children understand that ppl can have mixed emotions. For example infants will look away when they encounter something frightening or confusing www. notesolution. com. With age children develop even more effective strategies. Children who don"t regulate their emotions tend to have problems with peers. Temperament: behavioral styles that are fairly stable across situations and are biologically based. Thomas and chess identified 3 patterns: easy, difficult, and slow-to-warm-up. Five dimensions: activity level, positive effect, persistence, inhibition, and negative affect.